atrastās organizācijas un grupas
Vienumi lappusē:
Since 2003, the Tragor Ignác Museum has operated under the auspices of the Municipality of Vác. Its collection covers four areas: local history, ethnography, the fine arts, and archaeology. Its exhibitions are housed in several different places throughout the city. At the main building, there is no exhibition.
Atrašanās vieta:
- Vác Zrínyi Miklós utca 41, Hungary 2600
Izveidošanas datums:
- 1896
- Operatora lomas:
- Īpašnieks:
- Izveidotājs:
Atrašanās vieta:
- Novi Sad, Serbia
Izveidošanas datums:
- 1954
The Téka Band’s club has been one of the most popular dance-houses since 1977. The band presents the complete range of traditional Hungarian, dance, musical instruments and music at several schools and kindergartens as part of the band’s educational concert series entitled “Music of Hungarians.”
Atrašanās vieta:
- Budapest, Hungary
- Téka Band
Izveidošanas datums:
- 1976
- Radītāja lomas: