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18 atrastās organizācijas un grupas
Vienumi lappusē:       1 2 3 4 nākošā lappuse »»
  • Atrašanās vieta:
    • 03219 Vilnius Algirdo gatvė 31 , Lietuva
  • Vārds:
    • Office of the Chief archivist of Lithuania
  • Izveidošanas datums:
    • 2011
The Prime Minister's Office is the organization of the Hungarian Prime Minister. It was established in 2014, and was preceded by the Prime Minister's Bureau. The Office is responsible for the coordination of whole areas of government, and leads important sectors in Hungary.
  • Atrašanās vieta:
    • Budapest Kossuth Lajos tér 1, Hungary 1055
  • Vārds:
    • Office of the Hungarian Prime Minister
  • Izveidošanas datums:
    • 2014