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Elzas Rudenājas un Vladislava Urtāna kolekcija Madonas Novadpētniecības un mākslas muzejā parāda, cik daudz  aizrautīgi un izdomas bagāti cilvēki, darbojoties sistēmas ietvaros, varēja izdarīt vietējās un nacionālās kultūras saglabāšanā arī nelabvēlīgos politiskos apstākļos.

The largest collection of photographs in Croatia, and one of the most complete in the world. It consists of the works of the most famous Croatian photographers, who documented everyday life of Croatia from the 1920s until his death in 1970, including the activity of EXAT 51 and New Tendencies.

The collection was established in the 1980s and 1990s. It includes autobiographical materials, personal memoirs and images connected with one of the first and most important civic and ecological mass protest movements of the 1980s in Bulgaria.