alternatīvais dzīvesveids un ikdienas pretošanās alternatīvas izglītības formas
autoritāro/totalitāro režīmu vajāšanas pārdzīvojušie avangarda kultūra
avangards, neoavangards
cilvēki, kas apzināti atsakās no karadienesta reliģisku vai idejisku motīvu vadīti
cilvēktiesību kustība dabas aizsardzība
demokrātiskā opozīcija
etniskas kustības
filma filozofiskas/teorētiskas kustības
jaunatnes kultūra kritiskā zinātne
literatūra un literatūras kritika mediju māksla
miera kustības
minoritāšu kustības mūzika nacionālās kustības
neatkarīgā žurnālistika partijas disidenti
populārā kultūra
reliģisks aktīvisms
samizdats un tamizdats
sieviešu kustība sociālās kustības
studentu kustība tautas kultūra
teātris un izpildītājmākslas
tēlotājmāksla uzraudzība
vizuālā māksla
zinātniskā kritika
audioieraksti citi mākslas darbi
juridiska un/vai finanšu dokumentācija
karikatūras lietišķās mākslas priekšmeti manuskripti
mūzikas ieraksti pelēkā literatūra piemiņlietas
The Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities is a legally constituted public entity under the authority of the Romanian Government. It was established in 2007. One of the RIRNM’s departments is the Documentation Centre. Its role is to facilitate research on national minorities from Romania, and to this aim, the Documentation Centre collects and archives primary research sources too.
The present collection comprises a series of archival materials relating to the activities of the Moldavian Writers’ Union (MWU) and spanning the period from the early 1950s to the late 1980s. The materials in this collection were selected from Fond No. P-2955 (Uniunea Scriitorilor din Moldova), which is currently held in the Archive of Social-Political Organisations of the Republic of Moldova (AOSPRM) in Chișinău. The collection files mainly focus on a number of Party meetings, writers’ congresses and national conferences which discussed significant issues related to the local cultural heritage, the “language question,” and the relations between the literary milieu and the Soviet regime.
Doina Cornea was a leading dissident in communist Romania, who started by criticising the educational and cultural policies of Ceaușescu’s regime and issuing some modest samizdat materials, and ended up as the driving force behind several collective actions against the arbitrary actions of Ceaușescu’s regime and the trigger of the most significant transnational network in defence of the Romanian villages menaced with destruction by the regime. Accordingly, the Doina Cornea Ad-Hoc Collection at CNSAS constitutes one of the largest collections of documents referring to one single individual and includes not only records created by the secret police while trying to counter her actions, but also materials confiscated as evidence of those actions.
The Doina Cornea Private Collection is an invaluable historical source for those researching the biography and especially the dissident activities of the person labelled by the Western mass media as the “emblematic figure” of the Romanian resistance to Ceauşescu’s dictatorship. This collection comprises manuscripts of her open letters of protest, her diary, samizdat translations, correspondence, drafts of her academic works, photos, paintings, video recordings, and her personal library. This private collection is by far one of the most significant and valuable collections reflecting the cultural opposition to the Romanian communist regime.