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Documentele Uniunii Scriitorilor din Moldova. Fondul P-2955 din AOSPR Moldova

Atrašanās vieta


  • krievu
  • rumāņu

Kolekcijas nosaukums

  • Moldavian Writers’ Union (MWU). Fond P-2955 at AOSPR Moldova  

Izcelsme un kultūras darbība

Satura apraksts


  • fotogrāfijas: 0-9
  • manuskripti (ego-dokumenti, dienasgrāmatas, piezīmes, vēstules, uzmetumi utt.): 10-99
  • pelēkā literatūra (regulāri arhīva dokumenti, tādi kā brošūras, biļeteni, skrejlapas, ziņojumi, izlūkošanas dokumenti, dokumentācija, darba dokumenti, sapulču protokoli): 100-499

Izveidošanas datums

  • 1946

Izveidošanas vieta

Svarīgi notikumi kolekcijas vēsturē

Piekļuves veids

  • publiski pilnībā pieejams


  • Bahnaru, Vasile, and Cojocaru, Gheorghe. 2016. Congresul al III-lea al Uniunii Scriitorilor din RSS Moldovenească (14-15 octombrie 1965). Studiu și materiale (The Third Congress of the Writers' Union of the Moldavian SSR (14-15 October 1965). An introductory study and the congress materials). Chișinău: Tehnica-Info.

Ieraksta autori

  • Cusco, Andrei

Atsauču saraksts

Bahnaru, Vasile, and Gheorghe Cojocaru. 2016. Congresul al III-lea al Uniunii Scriitorilor din RSS Moldovenească (14-15 octombrie 1965). Studiu și materiale [The Third Congress of the Writers' Union of the Moldavian SSR (14-15 October 1965). An introductory study and the congress materials]. Chișinău: Tehnica-Info.

Negură, Petru, interview by Cușco, Andrei, October 10, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2020-02-20 13:05:01