Archive of Social-Political Organisations of the Republic of Moldova (AOSPRM)
The Archive of Social-Political Organisations of the Republic of Moldova (AOSPRM) is a governmental institution subordinated to the State Archival Service of the Republic of Moldova. It was founded on February 6, 1992, according to Order / decision nr. 9, issued by the State Archival Service of the Republic of Moldova. This archive inherited the entirety of the documentary collections of the former archive of the Communist Party of Moldavia (including documents produced by the Central Committee of the CPM, the CC of the Leninist-Communist Youth League, documents issued by all the administrative-territorial units within the republic, as well as a number of documents which reflect the illegal clandestine activity of the Communist (Bolshevik) Party on the territory of Bessarabia in the interwar period. Starting from 1993, the archive has enriched its collections through the acquisition of documents produced by trade unions, cultural organisations, sport clubs, scholarly associations, etc. The archive currently holds over 556,000 archival items, which deal with a number of aspects of the social, political, economic and cultural evolution on this territory during the period 1900–2009.
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2017-12-06 10:21:24