atrastās kolekcijas
Vienumi lappusē:
Atrašanās vieta:
- 931 01 Šamorín Parková 4 , Slovakia
- Praha, Prague, Czech Republic
- Temati:
- Nozīmīgi vienumi:
Atrašanās vieta:
- București Strada Matei Basarab 55, Romania 030167
- Temati:
- Nozīmīgi vienumi:
Atrašanās vieta:
- Gothenburg Julaftonsgatan 52, Sweden 415 14
- Temati:
Izveidošanas datums:
- 1984
Nozīmīgi vienumi:
- Call for Protest in Support of the “Arrested” Editors of the Romanian Hungarian Samizdat Ellenpontok, in Hungarian, 20 November 1982
- Letter “Smuggled” Across the Romanian-Hungarian Border, in Hungarian, 6 October 1984 (Letter Size: 15 cm x 14cm)
- Samizdat issue of Ellenpontok No. 8, in Hungarian, October 1982
Atrašanās vieta:
- Blagoevgrad, South West University "Neofit Rilski"
- Blagoevgrad, South-West University, Bulgaria
- Temati:
Izveidošanas datums:
- 1996
- Nozīmīgi vienumi:
The Hans Otto Roth Collection includes documents gathered in the period 1919–1951 by the creator of the collection in order to illustrate his activity as a political leader and journalist of the Transylvanian Saxons who opposed both the pre-communist extreme right movements and regimes and the communist regime.
Atrašanās vieta:
- Brașov Curtea Honterus 2, Romania
- Temati:
Izveidošanas datums:
- 1919
- Nozīmīgi vienumi: