alternatīvais dzīvesveids un ikdienas pretošanās alternatīvas izglītības formas
autoritāro/totalitāro režīmu vajāšanas pārdzīvojušie avangarda kultūra
avangards, neoavangards
cilvēki, kas apzināti atsakās no karadienesta reliģisku vai idejisku motīvu vadīti
cilvēktiesību kustība dabas aizsardzība
demokrātiskā opozīcija
etniskas kustības
filma filozofiskas/teorētiskas kustības
jaunatnes kultūra kritiskā zinātne
literatūra un literatūras kritika mediju māksla
miera kustības
minoritāšu kustības mūzika nacionālās kustības
neatkarīgā žurnālistika partijas disidenti
populārā kultūra
reliģisks aktīvisms
samizdats un tamizdats
sieviešu kustība sociālās kustības
studentu kustība tautas kultūra
teātris un izpildītājmākslas
tēlotājmāksla uzraudzība
vizuālā māksla
zinātniskā kritika
audioieraksti citi mākslas darbi
juridiska un/vai finanšu dokumentācija
karikatūras lietišķās mākslas priekšmeti manuskripti
mūzikas ieraksti pelēkā literatūra piemiņlietas
Rezső Szabó is a Hungarian lawyer and politician from Slovakia. His personal collection contains documents dealing with policies toward the Hungarian minority in Czechoslovakia including issues of culture and education in the languages of the minority. These documents are mostly from the time when Szabó was Secretary of the Hungarian Cultural Union CSEMADOK (1954-1969) and the time when he sat in the Czechoslovak Federal Assembly (1969-1971). The collection contains documents related to Szabó’s activities in 1968, when he was one of the activists who outlined requirements about reforms concerning the rights of minorities in Czechoslovakia. These documents are mainly bill drafts and laws concerning the problems of the Hungarian minority. The collection also contains a recording of a long interview with Szabó made in 2004.
The Roma Archive is the first digital collection devoted specifically to the Roma community in Bulgaria. Its aim is to show the history and memories of a people which have been invisible to the general Bulgarian public, and who are usually portrayed by the media in terms of deviant social and cultural behavior. The collection was created by the Balkan Society for Autobiography and Social Communication (BSASC). It includes numerous autobiographic interviews, rich visual materials, and a variety of other documents and images containing information on the Roma community in Bulgaria taken from Bulgarian State archives.
One of the main themes of the collection is the fate of the Roma minority under communism, during which it was subjected to frequent assimilation campaigns and when expressions of Roma culture was severely restricted. The collection aims to contribute to the democratization of historical knowledge, raising the profile of Bulgaria’s Roma community as well as increasing awareness within the community of the value of historical documents. At the same time, the ongoing process of building the collection itself contributes to overcoming ethnocentricity in Bulgaria’s education system. It strengthens intercultural dialogue and aids in the educational potential of Roma community members. The Roma Archive help makes the Roma more visible in Bulgarian society, education, and academia.