alternatīvais dzīvesveids un ikdienas pretošanās alternatīvas izglītības formas
autoritāro/totalitāro režīmu vajāšanas pārdzīvojušie avangarda kultūra
avangards, neoavangards
cilvēki, kas apzināti atsakās no karadienesta reliģisku vai idejisku motīvu vadīti
cilvēktiesību kustība dabas aizsardzība
demokrātiskā opozīcija
etniskas kustības
filma filozofiskas/teorētiskas kustības
jaunatnes kultūra kritiskā zinātne
literatūra un literatūras kritika mediju māksla
miera kustības
minoritāšu kustības mūzika nacionālās kustības
neatkarīgā žurnālistika partijas disidenti
populārā kultūra
reliģisks aktīvisms
samizdats un tamizdats
sieviešu kustība sociālās kustības
studentu kustība tautas kultūra
teātris un izpildītājmākslas
tēlotājmāksla uzraudzība
vizuālā māksla
zinātniskā kritika
audioieraksti citi mākslas darbi
juridiska un/vai finanšu dokumentācija
karikatūras lietišķās mākslas priekšmeti manuskripti
mūzikas ieraksti pelēkā literatūra piemiņlietas
This collection consists primarily of the items confiscated by the Securitate on 1 April 1977, on the occasion of the house search and arrest of the driving force behind an emerging movement in defence of human rights in Romania, Paul Goma, a writer censored in Romania but successful abroad. A particular feature of this collection is that the confiscated items were not destroyed, but were preserved by the Securitate and finally transferred to CNSAS in 2002, from where they were returned to Goma in 2005. Thus, the collection is one of the few which travelled after 1989 from Romania into exile and is now to be found in Paris, where Goma was forced to emigrate a few months after his arrest and the confiscation of the collection.
Petru Negură’s private collection includes a wide variety of materials (interviews and archival documents) related to the activities of the Moldavian Writers’ Union (MWU) from the early Soviet period to the late 1950s and early 1960s. The collection focuses on institutional history and on the relationship of Moldovan writers with state power.
The collection at the Popmuseum includes both written and audiovisual archive materials and other tangible artefacts that relate to Czech and Slovak pop music. The institution, besides running the museum and holding popular activities, also manages a large archive. The collection is the biggest of its kind in the Czech Republic. Pop music, not only rock, is seen by the museum in a complex context but the collection and the exposition describe opposition activities connected with the phenomenon of “West” and “undesirable” music genres from 1950s until 1980s in Czechoslovakia as well.