Artpool Mail Art Archive

Atrašanās vieta
Budapest, Szabolcs utca 33
Parādīt kartē
- angļu
- franču
- itāļu
- spāņu
- ungāru
- vācu
Kolekcijas nosaukums
- Artpool Mail Art Archive
Izcelsme un kultūras darbība
Satura apraksts
- artefakti: 1000-
- audioieraksti: 500-999
- publikācijas: 1000-
- videoieraksti: 500-999
Darbības ģeogrāfiskais mērogs pēdējā laikā
- starptautisks
Izveidošanas datums
- 1979
Izveidošanas vieta
Budapest, Frankel Leó út 68/b.
Parādīt kartē
Satura veidotāji
Svarīgi notikumi kolekcijas vēsturē
- Artpool Periodical Spaces (APS), 1979–1991
- Artpool's Art Tour 1 & 2, 1979 and 1982
- World Art Post, Fészek Klub, Budapest, 6–25 April, 1982
- Everybody with Anybody, Young Artists’ Club, Budapest, 26 February, 1982.
- Buda Ray University, 1982-1987 (1997), Visual communication project at Artpool, Budapest
- Hungary Can Be Yours / International Hungary, Young Artists' Club, Budapest, 1984 and 1989
Nozīmīgi vienumi
Piekļuves veids
- apmeklējums pēc iepriekšēja pieteikuma
Ieraksta autori
- Kotun, Viktor
Atsauču saraksts
- Badovinac, Zdenka – Tamara Soban (eds.). Interrupted Histories. Arteast Exhibition (catalog, ca. 68 p.) and Piskur, Bojana (ed.). Arhivi Samizdatov / Samizdat Archives (supplement, 16 p.), Moderna galerija / Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana: 2006
- Bálint, Anna: Garden of Communication. Artpool Art Research Center web site, Convergence. The Journal of Research into New Media Technology, Vol. 4., No. 2., 1998 Summer, pp. 116–118.
- Bodor, Judit. Artpool Art Research Centre, B+B at Home, Occasions, No. 8. (special issue), Austrian Cultural Forum London: 2004, p. 4.
- Detterer, Gabriele – Maurizio Nannucci (eds.). Artists-Run Spaces. Nonprofit collective organizations in the 1960s and 1970s, JRP / Ringier, 2012, pp. 17, 30–31, 44, 84–109.
- Galántai, György – Klaniczay, Julia (eds.). ARTPOOL – The Experimental Art Archive of East-Central Europe. History of an active archive for producing, networking, curating, and researching art since 1970, Artpool, Budapest:, 2013.
- Galántai, György. Artpool from the Beginnings: A Personal Account, in: Bismarck, Beatrice von – Hans-Peter Feldmann – Hans Ulrich Obrist et al. (eds.). Interarchive. Archivarische Praktiken und Handlungsräume im zeitgenössischen Kunstfeld / Archival Practices and Sites in the Contemporary Art Field, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln: 2002, pp. 393—395.
- Interview with Artpool Cofounder Júlia Klaniczay by Juliane Debeusscher, ARTMargins online, June 2011
- Klaniczay Júlia – Sasvári Edit (szerk.). Törvénytelen avantgárd. Galántai György balatonboglári kápolnaműterme, Artpool-Balassi, Budapest: 2003.
- Mourik Broekman, Pauline van. Relational History, MUTE. Culture and Politics after the Net, No. 27., 2004 Winter / Spring, pp. 24–25.
- Parastamp. Four Decades of Artistamps, from Fluxus to the Internet (exhibition catalog with essays by Peter Frank, Kata Bodor, interview with György Galántai), Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest: 2007, 108 p.
- Perneczky, Géza. The Art Pool Archives. The Story of a Hungarian Art Collection, The New Hungarian Quarterly, 1989, pp. 192–196.
- Ray Johnson and the Mail Art Scene in Eastern Europe, in:, 3/2014, Ostblick 3: "Mythmaking Eastern Europe: Art in Response", ed. Mateusz Kapustka, 2014
- Röder, Kornelia. Topologie und Funktionsweise des Netzwerks der Mail Art. Seine spezifische Bedeutung für Osteuropa von 1960 bis 1989, Schriftenreihe für Künstlerpublikationen, Band 5, Salon Verlag, Köln: 2008, pp. 159–163.
- Schwarz, Isabelle. Archive für Kunstlerpublikationen der 1960er bis 1980er Jahre, Schriftenreihe für Künstlerpublikationen, Band 4, Salon Verlag, Köln: 2008, pp. 298–339.
- Timár, Katalin. Fax- und Mailart des Artpool im Wandel politischer Systeme. Fax- and Mail Art of the Artpool in the Change of Political Systems, in: Ursprung, Eva (ed.) In Control. Mensch – Interface – Maschine, Kunstverein W.A.S., Graz: 1993., pp. 72–74.
- Tumbas, Jasmina. International Hungary. György Galántai’s networking strategies, ARTMargins, Vol. 1., Issue 2–3., 2012 (June–October), pp. 87–115.
2020-12-06 16:52:13