Society of Libri Prohibiti

Atrašanās vieta
Senovážné nám. 2, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Parādīt kartē
Izveidošanas datums
- 1991
Organizācijas veids
- Bibliotēka
Darbības veids
- apvienība
Operatora lomas
- Audiovisual Section at Libri Prohibiti
- Czech Exile Collection at Libri Prohibiti
- Czech Samizdat Collection at Libri Prohibiti
- Foreign Exile Collection at Libri Prohibiti
- Foreign Samizdat Collection at Libri Prohibiti
- Ivan Dejmal Collection at Libri Prohibiti
- Juliana Jirousová Letters Collection at Libri Prohibiti
- Polish Underground Library at Libri Prohibiti
- VONS Collection at Libri Prohibiti
- Audiovisual Section at Libri Prohibiti
- Czech Exile Collection at Libri Prohibiti
- Czech Samizdat Collection at Libri Prohibiti
- Foreign Exile Collection at Libri Prohibiti
- Foreign Samizdat Collection at Libri Prohibiti
- Ivan Dejmal Collection at Libri Prohibiti
- Juliana Jirousová Letters Collection at Libri Prohibiti
- Polish Underground Library at Libri Prohibiti
- VONS Collection at Libri Prohibiti
Ieraksta autori
- Kůželová, Michaela
Galvenais dalībnieks
- Publication: Pažout, Jaroslav, ed. Výbor na obranu nespravedlivě stíhaných (Committee for the Defense of the Unjustly Prosecuted), 2007-2009. Book
- Event (general) - Launching webpage
- Exhibition: Polish Underground Library in Prague
- Publication: Česko-polská literatura v samizdatu a druhém oběhu (Czech-Polish Literature in Samizdat and Underground), 2010. Book
- Exhibition: Thank you!!! To sixty years of the Radio Free Europe
- Event (general): Samizdat periodicals of the Libri Prohibiti library listed by UNESCO in Memory of the World Register
- Acquisition of Juliana Jirousová's letters by Libri Prohibiti
- Exhibition: Samizdat the Creative Power of Resistance
- International Samizdat Day
Atsauču saraksts
Libri prohibiti. 2017. "Zpráva za rok 2016." Accessed June 22.
2018-05-08 22:03:15