Ministerstvo kultury České republiky

Atrašanās vieta
Maltézské náměstí 1, 118 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Parādīt kartē
Izveidošanas datums
- 1969
Organizācijas veids
- Cits
Darbības veids
- Valdības/Valsts organizācija
- Art Collections at the Museum of Czech Literature
- Artlist
- Audiovisual Section at Libri Prohibiti
- Czech Exile Collection at Libri Prohibiti
- Czech Samizdat Collection at Libri Prohibiti
- Czechoslovak Writer Publishing House Collection
- Dominik Tatarka Collection at the Museum of Czech Literature
- Egon Bondy Collection at the Museum of Czech Literature
- Ferdinand Peroutka Collection at the Museum of Czech Literature
- Fine Art Archive (Czech Republic)
- Foreign Exile Collection at Libri Prohibiti
- Foreign Samizdat Collection at Libri Prohibiti
- Ivan Blatný Collection at the Museum of Czech Literature
- Ivan Dejmal Collection at Libri Prohibiti
- Jan Zahradníček Collection at the Museum of Czech Literature
- Jan and Meda Mládek Collection
- Jaroslav Seifert Collection at the Museum of Czech Literature
- Jindřich Chalupecký Collection at the Museum of Czech Literature
- Jiří and Běla Kolář Collection
- Juliana Jirousová Letters Collection at Libri Prohibiti
- Ladislav Mňačko Collection at the Museum of Czech Literature
- Milan Knížák Collection at the Museum of Czech Literature
- Museum of Romani Culture Collections
- Popmuseum
- VONS Collection at Libri Prohibiti
- Video Archive of the Academic Research Centre of the Academy of Fine Arts
- Video and Audio Library of the Literary Archive of the Museum of Czech Literature
- Václav Havel Collection at the Museum of Czech Literature
Ieraksta autori
- Kůželová, Michaela
Atsauču saraksts
Ministerstvo kultury České republiky. 2017. "Působnost ministerstva." Accessed April 3.
2018-10-23 10:18:20