Filtri ˆ

Mērijas Grīnbergas paskaidrojuma vēstule Valsts kontroles ministrijai par viņas atlaišanu no darba Vēstures muzejā

An excerpt from a draft explanation written by Mērija Grīnberga at beginning of 1950 to the LSSR State Control Ministry about why collections of the Ethnography Department of the Historical Museum were not handed-over according to rules.

Atrašanās vieta


  • krievu
  • latviešu


Radīšanas gads

  • 1950


  • VRVMp 27634/38


  • The Museum of the History of Riga and Navigation

Ieraksta autori

  • Bleiere, Daina
2017-09-18 15:32:36