Filtri ˆ

A Németországi Evangélikus Egyház nyugati Gustav Adolf Werk Alapítványának adománylevele

Atrašanās vieta


  • vācu

Radīšanas gads

  • 1976

Ieraksta autori

  • Jánosi, Csongor

Atsauču saraksts

ACNSAS – Arhiva Consiliului Național pentru Studierea Arhivelor Securității (Archives of the National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives):I – Fond Informativ (Informative fonds): file 211500, volumes 4–5.       

KKREL – Kolozsvár–Kerekdombi Refomátus Egyházközség Levéltára (Archive of the Reformed Congregation of Cluj–Dâmbul Rotund), year 1971, file 7.

Interview with Anna Jankó, 18 August 2018.

Dobri, András , interview by Jánosi, Csongor , August 23, 2018. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2019-02-03 09:41:25