Rock concert in Zionskirche

Zionskirche (Zion Church) in Prenzlauer Berg was a place where numerous rock and punk concerts and youth meetings took place on a regular basis. This black and white picture captures the singer André Greiner-Pol in concert together with the guitarist from the rock band Freygang. The band, established in 1977, continues to give concerts, despite the passing of its lead singer André Greiner-Pol in 2008.
Atrašanās vieta
Berlin, Germany
Parādīt kartē
- vācu
Radīšanas gads
- 1987
- 891001hh21
- Bundesstiftung Aufarbeitung/Ostkreuz, Harald Hauswald
Nozīmīgs vienums
Ieraksta autori
- Demeter, Laura
2018-08-16 13:03:06