The photograph shows participants in the Korčula Summer School discussing the Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1968 and preparing an official protest. About 70 prominent non-conformist Marxist and left-wing philosophers from Western and Eastern countries attending a symposium on "Marx and Revolution" at the Korcula (philosophical) Summer School, fiercely condemned the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Soviet-led Warsaw Pact forces in August 1968. According to a Western journalist who took part in the symposium, the protest was expressed in the form of an appeal "to all Communist, Socialist and progressive forces all over the world to condemn this aggressive act." The appeal compares "the situation of Czechoslovakia with that of Vietnam," and the Soviet aggression "with that committed by Hitler's Germany.” One of the declarations was issued by the editorial board of Praxis and sent to Yugoslav President Tito, urging him to "defend the cause of Communism and Socialism against any kind of hegemony, and against a revival of conservative forces." The declaration also urged Tito to fully "utilise the authority of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia to support Czechoslovak progressive forces."
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Zagreb Ulica Ivana Lučića 3, Croatia 10000
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Lešaja, Ante. 2014. Praksis orijentacija, časopis Praxis i Korčulanska ljetna škola [građa] (Praksis Orientation, Journal Praxis and The Korčula Summer School [collection]). Beograd: Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, p. 224.
Lešaja, Ante. 2014. Praksis orijentacija, časopis Praxis i Korčulanska ljetna škola [građa] (Praksis Orientation, Journal Praxis and The Korčula Summer School [collection]). Beograd: Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung.
Lešaja, Ante, interview by Bing, Albert , September 08, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection