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CNSAS - Consiliul Național pentru Studierea Arhivelor Securității

Logo of CNSAS

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Izveidošanas datums

  • 1999

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Organizācijas veids

  • Arhīvs
  • Cits

Darbības veids

  • Valdības/Valsts organizācija

Ieraksta autori

  • Petrescu, Cristina

Atsauču saraksts

CNSAS. 2016. “The European Network of Official Authorities in Charge of Secret Police Files: A Reader on the Legal Foundations, Structures and Activities.” Accessed May 2.

CNSAS. 2016. “Handbook of the European Network of Official Authorities in Charge of the Secret Police Files.” Accessed May 2.

Petrescu, Cristina. 2014. “The Afterlife of the Securitate: On Moral Correctness in Postcommunist Romania.” In Remembering Communism: Private and Public Recollections of Lived Experience in Southeast Europe, edited by Maria Todorova, Augusta Dimou, and Stefan Troebst, 385–415. Budapest: Central European University Press.

Petrescu, Dragoș. 2007. “Dilemmas of Transitional Justice in Post-1989 Romania.” In Lustration and Consolidation of Democracy and the Rule of Law in Central and Eastern Europe, edited by Vladimira Dvořáková and Anđelko Milardović, 127–151. Zagreb: Political Science Research Centre.

Petrescu, Dragoș. 2014. “The Resistance that Wasn’t: Romanian Intellectuals, the Securitate, and ‘Resistance through Culture’.” In Die Securitate in Siebenbürgen, edited by Joachim von Puttkamer, Stefan Sienerth and Ulrich A. Wien, 11-35. Cologne: Böhlau Verlag.

Petrescu, Dragoș. 2017. “Public Exposure without Lustration.” In Justice, Memory and Redress in Romania: New Insights, edited by Lavinia Stan and Lucian Turcescu, 124–144. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Petrescu, Dragoș, interview by Petrescu, Cristina, May 05, 2016. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2018-09-30 13:09:34