The dismantling of the popular music collection of Rottenbiller street Library Budapest
The popular music collection of the library at Rottenbiller Street was eliminated in the early 2000s. According to a decision made by the library leadership, the vinyl records were sold and the cassettes were destroyed or became private property. Only the CD collection remained as a coherent sub-collection, which is available as part of the music collection of the library of Újpest.
Atrašanās vieta
Budapest Rottenbiller utca 10, Hungary 1074
Parādīt kartē
Notikuma sākuma gads
- 2000
Galvenie dalībnieki
Ieraksta autori
- Huhák, Heléna
Atsauču saraksts
Hont, Péter, interview by Wagner, Sára, February 15, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection
2019-02-18 14:47:29