alternatīvais dzīvesveids un ikdienas pretošanās alternatīvas izglītības formas
autoritāro/totalitāro režīmu vajāšanas pārdzīvojušie avangarda kultūra
avangards, neoavangards
cilvēki, kas apzināti atsakās no karadienesta reliģisku vai idejisku motīvu vadīti
cilvēktiesību kustība dabas aizsardzība
demokrātiskā opozīcija
etniskas kustības
filma filozofiskas/teorētiskas kustības
jaunatnes kultūra kritiskā zinātne
literatūra un literatūras kritika mediju māksla
miera kustības
minoritāšu kustības mūzika nacionālās kustības
neatkarīgā žurnālistika partijas disidenti
populārā kultūra
reliģisks aktīvisms
samizdats un tamizdats
sieviešu kustība sociālās kustības
studentu kustība tautas kultūra
teātris un izpildītājmākslas
tēlotājmāksla uzraudzība
vizuālā māksla
zinātniskā kritika
audioieraksti citi mākslas darbi
juridiska un/vai finanšu dokumentācija
karikatūras lietišķās mākslas priekšmeti manuskripti
mūzikas ieraksti pelēkā literatūra piemiņlietas
The collection of Ladislav Mňačko (1919–1994), a Slovak writer and former prominent Czechoslovak journalist, consists of unique correspondence, manuscripts, prints and clippings which help to describe the life of this significant writer, who after August 1968 was a critic of the communist regime and a representative of Czechoslovak exile literature.
The book collection of the exile Hungarian writer László Cs. Szabó is a unique bequest with 11,000 books and many periodicals. It reflects the interests of a man, who refused to do as he was told by the totalitarian regimes. It also reflects an attempt to bring together the different Hungarian oppositional movements.
The Lovinescu–Ierunca Collection at the Central National Historical Archives (ANIC) in Bucharest is arguably the most important collection created by the Romanian Diaspora in Paris. The collection illustrates not only Monica Lovinescu and Virgil Ierunca’s interest in the subject of dissent in Romania but also how their activity at Radio Free Europe (RFE) created a transnational network of support for those who decided to speak against the regime.
The collection is illustrative for the documentation work that lay behind the broadcasting activities of two prominent members of the Romanian exile community in Paris who worked with Radio Free Europe (RFE), Monica Lovinescu and Virgil Ierunca. Their programmes focused mainly on presenting the cases of dissidents in the then Soviet Bloc. The need to understand the dissidence phenomenon and the main ideas behind its criticism of the communist regimes required diverse readings from different subject areas. Thus, the Monica Lovinescu and Virgil Ierunca Collection in Oradea testifies to the interest of its creators in subjects relating more or less to cultural opposition in the fields of literature, philosophy, sociology, history, art, and religion.