Filtri ˆ

A request to stop the prosecution of five Slovak intellectuals addressed to President Gustáv Husák

A request to stop the prosecution of Ján Čarnogurský, Hana Ponická, Anton Selecký, Miroslav Kusý and Vladimír Maňák addressed to the President Husák from the date 5/10/1989.


  • slovāku

Radīšanas gads

  • 1989

Ieraksta autori

  • Benčuriková, Martina

Atsauču saraksts

Mikloško, František , interview by Benčuriková, Martina, May 04, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

Čarnogurský, Ján , interview by Benčuriková, Martina, June 25, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2018-01-15 10:06:05