Sharing Radio Free Europe/Polish Section broadcasts on the Polish Radio website, 2011
In 2011 approximately 18 000 recordings were made accessible on the "Radio of Freedom" website of the Polish Radio, thanks to the cooperation of Hoover Institution, Radio Free Europe, Polish Radio and Jan Nowak-Jeziorański Association. Those 18 000 recordings make 5% of all programmes broadcasted in Radio Free Europe/ Polish Section, as the other 95% were not archived and digitalized properly.
Atrašanās vieta
Parādīt kartē
Notikuma sākuma gads
- 2011
Galvenie dalībnieki
Ieraksta autori
- Gospodarczyk, Hanna
Atsauču saraksts
Kubik, Mariusz, interview by Gospodarczyk, Hanna , October 07, 2018. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection
2019-01-11 00:07:51