Filtri ˆ

Sixtiers Museum Collection

This is a photo of a stained glass window called “Shevchenko. Mother,” which was created by Alla Horska, Opanas Zalyvakha and a few other artists in 1964 to commemorate the centenary of Taras Shevchenko’s birth. The recreation is in the entry room of the Museum and where the tour begins.

Atrašanās vieta


  • ukraiņu

Kolekcijas nosaukums

  • Sixtiers Museum

Izcelsme un kultūras darbība

Satura apraksts


  • artefakti: unknown quantity
  • fotogrāfijas: 500-999
  • gleznas: 10-99
  • grafika: 100-499
  • manuskripti (ego-dokumenti, dienasgrāmatas, piezīmes, vēstules, uzmetumi utt.): unknown quantity


Kolekcijā ieinteresētā/-ās persona/-as

Darbības ģeogrāfiskais mērogs pēdējā laikā

  • starptautisks

Izveidošanas datums

  • 2000

Izveidošanas vieta

Piekļuves veids

  • publiski pilnībā pieejams

Ieraksta autori

  • Kulick, Orysia Maria

Atsauču saraksts

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Kotsiubynska, Mykhailyna. Lysty i liudy: rozdumy pro epistoliarnu tvorchistʹ. Kyïv: Dukh i Litera, 2009.

Kotsiubynsska, Mykhailyna. Moï obriï. Kyïv: Dukh i Litera, 2004.

Lubchak, Vadym. "The Sixtiers' Movement Museum: An Open and Shut Case?" Den' (Kyiv), May 24, 2012.

Ovsienko, Vasylʹ. Svitlo ljudej: Spohady-Narysy pro Vasylia Stusa, Yuriya Lytvyna, Oksany Meshko. Kyïv: Biblioteka Zhurnalu YRP "Respublika": Seriya: Politychni Portrety, No 4, 1996.

Ovsiyenko, Vasyl. "Death of Vasyl Stus." The Kharkiv Human Rights Group. Last modified September 2, 2015.

Steffen, James. The Cinema of Sergei Parajanov. Madison: the University of Wisconsin Press, 2013.

Struk, Danylo H. "The Summing-up of Silence: The Poetry of Ihor Kalynets." Slavic Review 38, no. 01 (1979), 17-29. doi:10.2307/2497224.

Stus, Vasylʹ, and Oksana Dvorko. Lysty do ridnych. Lʹviv: Prosvita, 1997.

Stus, Vasylʹ, and Mykhaĭlyna Kotsiubynsʹka. Lysty do druziv ta znaĭomykh. Lviv: Vydavnycha spilka "Prosvita", 1997.

TROMLY, BENJAMIN. "An Unlikely National Revival: Soviet Higher Learning and the Ukrainian “Sixtiers,” 1953-65." The Russian Review 68, no. 4 (2009), 607-622. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9434.2009.00541.x.

Yekelchyk, Serhy. "The early 1960s as a cultural space: a microhistory of Ukraine's generation of cultural rebels." Nationalities Papers 43, no. 1 (2014), 45-62. doi:10.1080/00905992.2014.954103.

Zinkevych, Osyp, editor. "Plakhotniuk, Mykola." In Rukh oporu v Ukraïni 1960-1990: entsyklopedychnyĭ dovidnyk, 2nd ed., 568-570. Kyiv: Smoloskyp, 2012.

Zinkevych, Osyp, editor. "Sevruk, Halyna." In Rukh oporu v Ukraïni 1960-1990: entsyklopedychnyi dovidnyk, 2nd ed., 654-655. Kyiv: Smoloskyp, 2012.

Zinkevych, Osyp, editor. "Svitlychna, Nadiya." In Rukh oporu v Ukraïni 1960-1990: entsyklopedychnyi dovidnyk, 2nd ed., 642-645. Kyiv: Smoloskyp, 2012.

Zinkevych, Osyp, editor. "Svitlychny, Ivan." In Rukh oporu v Ukraïni 1960-1990: entsyklopedychnyi dovidnyk, 2nd ed., 646-649. Kyiv: Smoloskyp, 2012.

Zinkevych, Osyp, editor. "Symonenko, Vasyl." In Rukh oporu v Ukraïni 1960-1990: entsyklopedychnyĭ dovidnyk, 2nd ed., 664-667. Kyiv: Smoloskyp, 2012.

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2020-02-06 19:46:43