Bogdan Radica Collection

The Bogdan Radica Collection is a personal archival fund which Radica founded in the late 1940s. His daughter Bosiljka Raditsa and Professor Ivo Banac delivered the entire collection to the Croatian State Archives (CSA) on three occasions in 1996, 2001 and 2006. It contains vital records related to the history of Croatian political emigration and constitutes an integral part of the cultural opposition to the Yugoslav communist regime.
Atrašanās vieta
Zagreb Trg Marka Marulića 21, Croatia 10000
Parādīt kartē
- angļu
- franču
- horvātu
- itāļu
- serbu
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Kolekcijas nosaukums
- Bogdan Radica Personal Papers
Izcelsme un kultūras darbība
Satura apraksts
- fotogrāfijas: 10-99
- manuskripti (ego-dokumenti, dienasgrāmatas, piezīmes, vēstules, uzmetumi utt.): 1000-
- publikācijas: 100-499
- publikācijas: 1000-
Kolekcijā ieinteresētā/-ās persona/-as
Darbības ģeogrāfiskais mērogs pēdējā laikā
- diaspora
Izveidošanas vieta
New York
Parādīt kartē
Satura veidotāji
Svarīgi notikumi kolekcijas vēsturē
Nozīmīgi vienumi
- Letter of Bogdan Radica to Franjo Tuđman, 7 April 1978
- Letter of Milovan Đilas to Bogdan Radica, 27 January 1967
- Radica, Bogdan. Hrvatska 1945 (Croatia 1945), 1974. Manuscript
- Radica, Bogdan. “Yugoslavia’s Tragic Lesson to the World” (Reader’s Digest), 1946. Manuscript
- The Bulletin of the Democracy International Committee to Aid Democratic Dissidents in Yugoslavia, 1985
Piekļuves veids
- daļēji publiski nepieejams
Ieraksta autori
- Kljaić, Stipe
Atsauču saraksts
- “Pismo Ivana Mihela, ravnatelja Nacionalne i sveučilišne biblioteke u Zagrebu 14. 5. 1992. Bogdanu Radici (A letter from Ivan Mihel, Director of the National and University Library, to Bogdan Radica, 14th May 1992)”.
- Croatian State Archives. Bogdan Radica Personal Papers (HR-HDA-1769), box 2, “Pismo Ljube Bobana Bogdanu Radici 1988. godine (A Letter of Ljubo Boban to Bogdan Radica in 1988)”.
- Kljaić, Stipe. Interview with Marijan Bosnar. November, 15, 2016.
- Kljaić, Stipe. Interview with Prof. Ivo Banac. November 18, 2016.
- Krašić, Wolffy. "Hrvatsko proljeće i hrvatska politička emigracija (The Croatian Spring and the Croatian Political Emigration)." PhD diss., University of Zagreb, 2016.
- Mihaljević, Nikica. Za vratima domovine – sudbine i pogledi hrvatskih intelektualaca u emigraciji (At the Door of the Homeland - Destinies and Views of Croatian Intellectuals in Exile). Zagreb: PIP Naklada Pavičić, 2011.
- Sadkovich, James J. Tuđman: prva politička biografija (Tudjman: The First Political Biography). Zagreb: Večernji edicija, 2010.
- Pandurić, Josip. “Sudbina Agonije Europe Bogdana Radice” (The Fate of Bogdan Radica’s Agony of Europe). In Radica, Bogdan, Agonija Europe: razgovori i susreti, 9-17. Zagreb: Disput, 2006.
- Radica, Bogdan. Hrvatska 1945 (Croatia 1945). München-Barcelona: Hrvatska revija, 1974.
- Radica, Bogdan. Živjeti i nedoživjeti – uspomene jednog hrvatskog intelektualca na moralnu i ideološku krizu Zapada (knj.1.) (To Live but not Experience - Memories of a Croatian Intellectual on the Moral and Ideological Crisis of the West, vol. 1). Zagreb-München-Barcelona: Hrvatska revija, 1982.
- Vidmarović, Đuro. „U DHK Obilježena 110. Obljetnica Rođenja Bogdana Radice." (In the Croatian Writers Society 110th birthday of Bogdan Radica Commemorated). Portal Hrvatskoga Kulturnog Vijeća. Accessed February 10, 2017.
- Radica, Bogdan. “Pismohrana Bogdana Radice na Yale-University” [The archives of Bogdan Radica at Yale University]. Hrvatska revija 37 (1987): 349.
Banac, Ivo , interview by Kljaić, Stipe , November 18, 2016. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection
Bosnar, Marijan , interview by Kljaić, Stipe , November 15, 2016. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection
2020-02-17 19:02:16